Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday's Memories...Reconnected not by accident!

James and I attended his 20 year class reunion in mid July.  I had gone to elementary and middle school with most of the people he went to high school with.  I was excited about going and seeing some old friends.  I have to admit I really didn't expect to reconnect with anybody.  James and I arrived and I did recognize some people, but there was a lot of people I truly didn't remember.  We sat down at our table and talked with some people.  I looked across the table and I thought I recognized a really good friend from 7th and 8th grade.  We both looked at each other and finally spoke.  It was in fact who I thought it was.  We chatted and were both surprised to find each other.  We chatted on Facebook and emailed each other for several months.  We decided to meet for coffee about a week ago.  I truly believe that we did not reconnect by accident!  There was a reason we found each other!  We each talked about our families and schools our kids attended.  I brought up that Noah has Aspergers and she shared with me her 9 year old has Aspergers as well.  I really thought I was going to cry.  We shared our struggles and joys with all that Aspergers is.  It is amazing to see God work!  I know with all my heart that God brought us together to be a support for each other!  We want to make plans to get our families together.  There is no doubt that we will stay connected! I didn't remember to take my camera so no pictures:(

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