Friday, February 11, 2011

Something Special!!!

Abby has enjoyed playing basketball for Woodstock Middle School these past two years.  It has been a great experience for her and all of the girls.  She has had a great Coach who she really looks up to!  You can tell that he loves what he does and truly cares about all of them!  
They have not won a lot of their games and were in 6th place(out of 9) at the end of their regular season games.

They went into the county tournament in 6th place.  I know I said that previously but I was in total awe over the next few games!  Their first game was against Mill Creek(3rd or 4th place team).  They had beat them once before and Mill Creek had won one against them as well.  The Lady Wolves won this time!!  It was absolutely amazing and we were so happy for our girls!!
The next game they played was against Dean Rusk(2nd place team)  We were a little nervous as we had never won against them and truly we thought this would be their last game.  They played their hearts out!   We WON!!!  The hairs on my arms were sticking up and I have never experienced anything like it before(during a basketball game)! The excitement was overwhelming!  I don't think I slept at all that night knowing the championship game was the next night!
The next night we played Creekland (the 1st place team)!  We had never won against them.  We came so close in a regular season game.  We went into overtime and they ended up winning by 2 points.  We all believed in the girls and knew that it would be a close game!
Abby shared a story with us at the end of the game that her coach had told them in the locker room before the game!  He had a vision at the beginning of the season that the girls were in the championship game playing against Creekland.  They were wearing purple uniforms and Jessica tipped off they ball!  (he got the girls new purple uniforms this year!

He told them that he believed in them and regardless of the outcome of the game they were champions already.  He had taught them all year to believe in themselves and never give up.  He told them that they were part of something special and not many people get to be a part of something like this!
He told them that they had changed his life and he hoped that he had impacted their lives.

Abby and Ashlee were chosen to be captain's for the game! 
Jessica tipped the ball and the game began. 

They played so hard and fought till the end.  They didn't win.  They lost by 10 points.  It was a hard loss and there were many tears shed (including the parents).  I'm so proud of our girls!!  Coming from 6 th place to 2nd is a huge accomplishment!  The girls should be so proud of themselves!

Abby cried for awhile and my heart was broken for her.  I realized that this was her last game with Coach McKinney and most of the tears were because a chapter had ended in her life! She agreed that this was why she was crying!  Growing up is hard!  Moving on and changing are things that never end.  I cried with her!  
I'm so glad that Abby got to be part of "Something Special!!

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