Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Finishing What You Start

There has been some debate in our house this week about "Finishing What You Start". This lesson is hard especially if you don't like what you are trying to finish. Abbie is trying out for several different basketball teams for this spring. One team requires a 3 week tryout. They do things a little different than what she is used to. (Different drills, different techniques, and different plays) Abbie committed to this when she first announced she wanted to try out. She finished week one and decided she didn't like it and was not going back! James and I discussed this and decided this was a lesson she needed to learn. It would have been a lot easier (believe me) to say, " Ok honey you don't have to go back"! I can't tell you how many times I have started something and half way through I wanted to quit. Committing to finishing something that you start is a hard lesson. I don't know if Abbie will make this team. I hope that one day she can feel proud that she did her best and "Finished What She Started".

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Truly Loving Life

I look around and feel so blessed! My kids are loved, their happy, and healthy. It is so fun to watch my kids truly enjoy life. I took Emma and Noah to a skating party for their school tonight. It was fun watching them interact with their friends and I have to admit lots of memories of my own skating parties came flooding back. Watching them and feeling so proud that they were skating better than I was at their age. Noah kept coming up and saying," I am skating so good". I love that he is so confident! Emma was skating so fast and she did fall a couple of times but never once did she whine or complain. I love that she is so determined and never gives up! I started this blog in hopes that I would be better about writing down memories and stories. I wish everyday could be a "skate in the park". I hope that I can remember to be confident and never give up on days when life isn't so easy.