Thursday, May 27, 2010 stomach hurts!

I can't tell you how many times I have heard "Mom, my stomach hurts". All three of my children have told my that at numerous times in their lives. I always (except for this one time) say, show me where it hurts. Well, Abbie had been complaining off on on for a day that her stomach was hurting. Like any good nurse I handed her some Advil and sent her on her merry way. She played basketball, had a sleepover and went to a bridal shower with me. We were at the shower and she came up to me and said "my stomach hurts really bad". I again handed her some Advil. I decided we needed to leave when Emma came up to me and said "Abbie is sick". We headed home and I told her to take a warm bath, thinking her stomach hurting was related to something else. Later that evening I asked her where her stomach was hurting and she pointed to her right side. The nurse in me kicked in and said we need to go to Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta. On the way there she started crying and moaning how much longer was it going to be before we arrived. I felt so bad!! I hurried as fast as I could and we started counting down the minutes it would take to get there: 15 minutes honey; Abbie, we are almost there; Okay sweetie, 5 minutes, we are almost there. It was the longest ride to CHOA that I have ever driven! Bless her heart, she couldn't even stand when we got there. I threw my keys at the valet guy! I picked up my 5 foot 1 inch and 98 pound baby and carried her to the nearest wheelchair. When we got inside she looked at the estimated waiting time and cried, "I can't wait an hour and fifteen minutes". I assured her that she would not have to wait that long. The triage nurse handed me a number and said have a seat. The mother bear in me kicked in and I said "really?? You are kidding me right?" She then took a second look at Abbie and said "let me go get a nurse"! I wanted to say,"I thought you were a nurse", but I held my tongue and focused on Abbie. We got taken right back and the doctor came in very quickly and determined that more than likely she did have appendicitis. She ordered some morphine and blood work for her. I was so thankful that on the THIRD attempt they finally got an IV site and Abbie was finally able to get some relief. Mother bear almost came out again!! Well, the lab work was not showing any abnormalities so the doctor ordered a CT scan.
The result confirmed our suspicions that she did in fact have appendicitis. She was taken to the floor and was going to be prep ed for surgery. She was resting comfortably when they came and took us down to the surgery floor. She had laproscopy surgery and had her appendix removed through her belly button. She thought that that was really weird. We came home the next day. She is doing awesome and is BEGGING me to go to school on Friday for a couple of hours so she can see her friends before summer break. She is doing so well that we are considering it. She has been such a trooper!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Time Flies!! (part two)

Emma has had a fabulous year! I think she deserves a post of her own. We got some fantastic news today.... Emma tested to get into AIM and she made it!!!! We are so proud of her. Learning comes at such ease for her, unlike her mom and dad. She picks up things very quickly and has an amazing memory. She is a great reader and has topped out for accelerated reading. She got to be "Principle for the Day" today and was so proud of herself as she should be!! Good job Emma!!!! She also had lost of other memories/accomplishments.. she broke her leg (evidently it was her life long dream to have a wheel chair), she lost her two front teeth, and her favorite..she got her first American Girl doll!

Emma had a great time at field day! Daddy (aka Batman) got to be there to enjoy the fun. James told Emma that he was going to tell all of her friends that he was really Batman. She laughed and thought it was a great trick to play on them. James is such a fun daddy!!

Emma also had a fabulous teacher this year...Mrs. Youmans! She was teacher of the year for Woodstock Elementary this year. Way to go Mrs. Youmans!! What a great 1st grade year!!

Time Flies!!

It is hard to believe the school year is coming to a close! It seems like just last month that we were shopping for backpacks and school supplies. The kids have had a great year. Abbie transitioned into middle school nicely and has learned that not all teachers have their students best interest at heart. That was a disappointing revolution for her and for us. She has grown so much in all the ways a 12 year old does. She is smart, athletic, and has lots of friends. She is happy and healthy and looking forward to a relaxing summer. I don't have any pictures because parents aren't allowed at The Olympics(aka field day) and they don't have awards. Middle school is a lot different for me to get used to as well.

Noah has also had a great year. He has learned and grown so much. He is smart, kind and truly loves school! I really think he will miss it over the summer. He has had a FABULOUS teacher who again he truly loves. Mrs. Towns has been an awesome fit for Noah. She is very patient, kind, and is VERY good at what she does! Funny story: I went to middle school with her and James went to high school with her. It was a neat reunion!

Field day is one of my kids favorite days at the end of the year. It is so fun watching them play and encourage each other!

OK, so I can't figure out to add more pictures, so Emma will be my second post today!
Help blogger friends!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

I had a very special Mother's Day this year. It was filled with lots of love! Very special handmade cards and gifts, lots of hugs and kisses, and time spent with both sides of the family. I love being a mom! It is what I have always wanted to be. It is the hardest and best thing I do. Nobody ever prepared me for the love I would feel the first time I held each of my babies. The first time I held Abbie(aka Abby)I will never forget what I felt when I looked into her big blue eyes. I really can't explain it other than love at first sight. She is a beautiful gift that I will treasure forever. Noah was born in the very early morning hours(3:03). It was amazingly quiet. I will never forget the peace I felt when I looked into his big brown eyes. What an amazing person he is. Emma came into this world screaming! She is the spunkiest little person I've ever met. She is a born leader and I know that she will do something big in her life. She has helped me be more assertive and outgoing. Each one of my children have given me so many wonderful gifts that there is just not enough room to write about them all here. Mother's day is truly a special day! I thank God everyday for giving me these precious gifts!

I think about my own mother and have to thank her for being the example that I hope I measure up to. She has been with me through thick and thin. She is truly one of my best friends. What a gift she is to me!

Here are some of my beautiful presents.

From Noah

From Abbie

From Emma

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today was bring a friend day at Hip Hop for Noah. His friend up the street could not come and Noah was very upset. Emma jumped right in and said, "Noah, I'm your friend. I'll come to class with you". Emma to the rescue! Noah calmed down and was excited to have a friend to bring.

Emma had a good time doing something other than ballet and tap. It was fun watching Noah teaching her the steps and moves. They are 22 months apart and have always been very close. I call Emma Noah's second mother. I hear her calling him, "Sweetie, Sweetie, come here sweetie". Another favorite is, "brother, come play with me". She watches out for him as he does for her. I have always said that I can see them living together when they are really old, taking care of each other. They have their moments as all siblings do but for the most part they really love each other. I'm glad that my kids are close in age. I am the youngest of four. There is eight years difference between me and my next sister. I often felt left out as a child. I am close with my siblings now and we would do anything for each other. I'm so glad that my kids can think of each other as friends. I've always told Abbie that friends in life will change. They will come and go, but you will be siblings your whole life! Brothers and sisters are special people! Their Friends!